Purification Rundown in today's society

The Purification Program as outlined by Clear Body/Clear Mind by L. Ron Hubbard has never been more relevant than today.
Articles are sweeping across America concerning the widespread detection of drug residuals and toxins in our drinking water.
The New York Times provides thorough coverage of this topic in their article entitled, We Are What We Drink Is What We Are.
ABC News reports: AP Probe Finds Drugs in Drinking Water
All one needs to do is a simple search and you will find hundreds of articles and editorials on this subject.
If this wasn't enough a new report is out that toxins are now showing up in our wildlife. See the article Toxic stew poisoning our birds, ourselves.
We live in a chemical oriented society. The Purification Program developed by L. Ron Hubbard is more relevant than ever. I recommend reading the book Clear Body Clear Mind and doing the program.
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